Monday, June 13, 2011

Is God girly?

Is God girly? This thought has been spinning around in my head lately. It seems that Christianity is growing into a new phase of life that makes God feminine. Of course we 
know that God cannot be defined as female by any accurate Biblical interpretation. Godʼs divine character is not bound in the dualism of the sexual orientation of humanity, but how are people understanding Him? Do people associate God with rainbowʼs and roses, smiley faces and stained glass? In the 1995 Dishwalla song (Iʼm going old school)... “tell me you all your thoughts on God because I really want to meet her” 
continues my thought, why would someone associate God with being female
Perhaps the answer is this: 
1. Church is somewhat girly (generally speaking) 
ABC news in 2002 (I know this is old, but Iʼm sure itʼs only grown worse) conducted a survey of men & women that attend religious services. It was discovered that of those surveyed 44% were women while only 32% were men. This statistic grows even more shocking when you look at the Catholic church. Of those surveyed that said they attend weekly religious services, 49% were women while only 26% were men. 
OUCH! Whatʼs wrong with church? (And when I talk about church, Iʼm not talking about the bigger picture of the collection of saints, Iʼm talking about service and activities hosted by a local body.) Iʼm sure there are many reason why these numbers are the case, but maybe one of the most evident reasons is that church is catered to a feminine nature. Think about it? What is church? Songs and hand holding, babies in the nursery, potluck, carpet and decorations (that were probably influenced by a committee of women), soft colors, mood music, and family friendly retreats. 
No wonder men donʼt go to church. Church should be a place where men can come and be men without having to check their testosterone at the door. Have we forgot that Genesis 1:26 says that we were created in the image of God? God created man in his image. So man and his testosterone in many ways is a reflection of God. 
So where are all the UFC church fellowships? 
2. People pick and choose the character of God 
People all over pick and choose what characteristics of God they want to believe in. Some really like his love...God is love (this is not debatable) they say, and forever the think of a drunk love or a stupid love, maybe a mushy love or a romance love. Others think that God is kind, overly polite kind, maybe annoying kind, so kind that God wonʼt even talk back in a conversation because all he wants to do is let you talk. Others think of His holiness and repeat Revelationʼs angelic cry “Holy, Holy, Holy”.......let me remind you that Iʼm not questioning any of the character of God; Iʼm questioning the preaching, teaching, learning of the character of God without the balance of the COMPLETENESS of the Character of God. We must consider all of God when strive to be like God. Most often we forget the portions of God that have masculine connections....justice, righteous anger, punishment. Judges 15 says that the Holy Spirit came upon Samson and he struck down a 1000 men. 
Now balance that with God is love. 
My wife reminds me that I can sound harsh when I write. She also reminds me that things written feel much more strong than words spoken. So if you dislike something I 
said, or felt that I was harsh, I apologize. That is not my intention!  I have a passion for seeing men in our church. I don’t want men to run from church under the false idea that God is girly. Nothing about the Gospel is girly! I want to look out from the pulpit and see men. I want those statistics to be changed. I want men to be the leaders of their homes, their communities, and their churches. 
I want men back in church. 

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